Overview: – Taking a leaf out from the previous chapter of Product Backlog Grooming where we studied how a Product Manager should help team members understand every product backlog item in detail, now it is time for the team to give an estimate to build the product as whole. So, in this chapter, we will…
Product Requirement Document – Ironman
Overview: – As we’ve seen in the last two chapters, we’ve presented our product and also had a look at what goes into a product backlog. Now it’s time to finally draft the Product Requirement Document for our product. So in today’s chapter, we will understand in depth about a product requirement document while having…
Product Backlog Items
Overview: – By now we’ve learnt that products serve as a medium to solve a problem or improve, enhance or optimize an age old routine task. Every product germs out of a great idea, an initiative or an identified problem that needs to be solved desperately. But in order to bring this product to life…